Recently, Thorpe Park has shared an update in regards to improvements they have been making to Stealth for everyone’s enjoyment!

If you’ve been hanging out at Amity Speedway in recent weeks you may have noticed some even slicker dispatch times on Stealth 😏

We’ve made lots of tweaks to the ways we load and offload the ride to improve throughputs, whilst keeping to our high safety standards.

Some of these changes may seem small, and some only shave off around 10 seconds per cycle but they have all added up to reduce our average launch time from 101 seconds to just 69! Here’s what we’ve done:

↖️Installed new self-closing exit gates to speed up the off-loading process.

🚧 Installed a new barrier between the load and off-load platform to allow us to safely launch trains more promptly.

⏲️ Staff can now see a countdown timer for each dispatch to ensure they’re working to an efficient time. Of course, staff are permitted to exceed this time for safety and to assist riders when needed.

🪧 Tonight we installed new signage on the offload platform to assist with the off-loading process. Additional push-to-exit signs coming soon.

✨ Plus, we’ve replaced some old faded signs and station banners to make everything sparkle.

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