With Hex at Alton Towers having been non-operational for the main part of this year so far, makes you wonder if we will see it return.

There was a point earlier this year, where Hex did manage to re-open, however that was a very short-lived period when it then closed after having a breakdown and so far not being able to re-open again.

In fact, both visits I had to Alton Towers this year so far, while I was there, Hex was sadly closed.

I have always enjoyed my rides onboard Hex, from the pre-ride story you go through then onto the ride itself it gives you a good break away from the ‘main’ attractions at Alton Towers.

Alton Towers themselves have been very quiet about what is actually going on with Hex and what their plans currently are, so we can only hope that they are working hard to get the ride back up and running, however with the weeks counting down fast until the end of season I would be very surprised if we would see it return this year.

For me, I can only hope that we will have it back for the 2023 season, but only time will tell if that will happen.

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