During 2022, it was for me one of the most difficult years that I have faced personally.

For the majority of the year, I have been struggling with depression due to a number of reasons that I’m not going to go into, but even with this, I do feel like I have had an enjoyable year which has been helped by visiting Theme Park’s since it’s something that I very much love to do!

As always, I visited Thorpe Park plenty of times throughout the year, in fact I had 10 different visits (some due to overnight stays so multiple days in the same week)

I also managed to do my ‘annual visit’ over to Chessington and Legoland Windsor aswell.

For the first time as well, I actually took multiple trips over to Alton Towers, with 8 Trips. Some of which was to enjoy Oktoberfest like I normally do but no only that for the first time I checked out Scarefest aswell!

Now, there was a big first for me, I went to Drayton Manor for the day as well. Something I had been planning to do and I finally decided to do it!

Now I also took 1 extra special trip to ‘celebrate’ starting a new job and I took a trip over to Disneyland Paris for 1 night to check it out as I had not been there since 2008, so it was great to be able to check out the brand new Avengers Campus!

Within the 2022 Season I have managed to enjoy a massive 159 rides on rollercoasters, brining my total rollercoaster count up to 422 in total (not unique rollercoasters).

I’m not yet sure what plan’s I will have for the 2023 season but keep an eye out, as it will be much the same as this year (although, likely won’t be back to Disneyland Paris for 2023). I also hope to manage to save up and have a trip over to Universal Florida at some point, but not yet sure when this will be, but you never know, I might do it in 2023?

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