Recently there has been more talk that Universal are planning something in Europe, or even something in the UK.

Now of course, as we know, this isn’t actually the first time there has been talk of something happening by Universal, with major talk back in January and even before then that they will be purchasing Port Aventura.

There is so many different way’s that we can look at this, would Universal be better off buying somewhere like Port Aventura, an already built Theme Park Resort with hotels and theme parks and making it even better (although, they may be more limited on how they can expand it further), OR would they be much better to build up from scratch?

In many ways, how good would it be if they decided to do something here in the UK? Building a brand new theme park in the UK could actually be a great idea to give the UK Parks some serious and big competition.

What are your thoughts? Would you love to see something new in the UK? Or would you prefer they take over Port Aventura?

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