Yesterday, a new document was uploaded onto the Runnymede Planning Site, relating to Project Exodus.

Sadly, the Environment Agency are still objecting to the work to take place to build the new rollercoaster at Thorpe Park. Although, it is worth noting that the council could still approve the planning permission.

Below is their objections to the work:

Objection 01
In accordance with paragraph 159 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) we object in principle to the proposed development as it falls within a flood risk vulnerability category that is inappropriate to the Flood Zone in which the application site is located. The application is therefore contrary to the NPPF and its associated Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). We recommend that planning permission is refused on this basis.

Reason 01

The PPG classifies development types according to their vulnerability to flood risk and provides guidance on which developments are appropriate within each Flood Zone. This site lies within Flood Zone 3b Functional Floodplain, which is land defined by your Strategic Flood Risk Assessment as having a high probability of flooding.
We note the FRA states: ‘…the lower part of many of the rollercoaster columns will be at risk of flooding, including some columns which are located in the lake. The columns will be, by their nature, water compatible…’ The development is classed as ‘less vulnerable’ in accordance with Table 2 of the Flood Zones and flood risk tables of the PPG. Tables 1 and 3 make it clear that this type of development is not compatible with this Flood Zone and therefore should not be permitted.

Overcoming objection 01
The only way the applicant can overcome our in principle objection is to demonstrate that the development is not within Flood Zone 3b – Functional Floodplain.

If the applicant is able to demonstrate that the development is not within Flood Zone 3b – Functional Floodplain the following objections would need to be addressed:

Objection 02
In accordance with policy Runnymede 2030 Local Plan in the Policy EE13: Managing Flood Risk and paragraph 167 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in the absence of an acceptable flood risk assessment (FRA) we object to this application and recommend that planning permission is refused.

Reason 02
The submitted FRA does not comply with the requirements for site-specific flood risk assessments, as set out in paragraphs 30 to 32 of the Flood Risk and Coastal Change section of the planning practice guidance. The FRA does not therefore adequately assess the flood risks posed by the development. In particular, the FRA fails to:
Consider how people will be kept safe from the identified flood hazards. Flood risk mitigation measures to address flood risk for the lifetime of the development included in the design are inadequate because they will not make the development resilient to the flood levels for 1% annual probability (AP), plus an appropriate allowance for climate change, flood extent. Consequently the development proposes inadequate flood storage compensation

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