UPDATE – 5th June – The support brackets thay were put in place have now bee removed and the crane also appears to be lowering. As of yet no testing has taken place.

UPDATE – 4th June – Thorpe Park has extended the closure of SAW: The Ride to include Wednesday 5th June, while the crane remains on-site working on Hyperia.

Repair Work on Hyperia is now further in progress with a large crane and cherry picker being seen on park with pictures being taken by @ThemeParkGuide what the work taking place consists of is unknown, however a lot of work is taking place on the lift hill, which isn’t any surprise with a crane being needed for the work.

With the work taking place, SAW: The Ride has also had a scheduled closure for today and tomorrow. Hopefully this will be a good sign for the 8th June with it being the earliest re-opening date, as this should give time for the repair to take place along with further time to allow testing before the ride then re-opens.

We will add any further images that we see in relation to the work on this post.

Unless otherwise stated, images are credited to @ThemeParkGuide

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