It’s the news we were all waiting for, we finally know the line-up for Fright Nights for 2024!
As no surprise and of which was already announced on their website we do see the return this year of:
- Trailers
- Surival Games
- Stitches
- The Crows
- Lucifiers Lair
New for this year we have:
- DeadBeat (New maze!)
- Creatur Campus – Looks Can Kill! (note – LAMITY will not feature this year)
- IT: The 4D Experience
It has been confirmed that Death’s Doors will not return this year.
Fright Nights will also be sponsored by FANTA this year, who will be taking over Big Easy Boulevard!
In my video below which can also be found on my YouTube Channel, I talk a bit more about this year’s Fright Nights!
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Founder of ThemeParkRM. Spending most of his time at Thorpe Park and loves The Runaway Mine Train at Alton Towers (choo choo!)