Hi All

I just wanted to give a small update in regards to ThemeParkRM.

Recently, we have welcomed Gareth into our team, meaning now that we have two team members rather than just myself. This is going to help us grow the site even further and to bring even more content in the future!

For the time being, Ross will remain the ‘main face’ of ThemeParkRM on all video productions on our YouTube Channel along with on our TikTok. Saying that, we do hope to have some content with Gareth in the future on YouTube as well, so please keep an eye out!

Both myself and Gareth are working hard behind the scenes on the website to bring even more content and not only that guides to the website covering a number of different areas.

Our YouTube content has been lower than we would have liked it to be, and this is something that is being worked on to bring plenty of content moving forward, but also don’t forget that this isn’t our only ‘job’, so visits to film content aren’t as often as we would want hence the lack of videos.

The main studio of ThemeParkRM is currently also being renovated to bring a fresh look for videos filmed from the studio, so watch this space. We are planning for the first video to come out this week!

We are also always on the look-out for content creators to join our website to help write articles for all Theme Park’s not just in the UK and also not just Merlin Theme Parks, so if this is something that you might be interested in doing, please do get in touch with us, as we do want to grow the team further.

We also hope to grow our social media side further aswell, but as could imagine this is almost more work that needs to take place than just simply giving someone access to our social media channels.

For now, we would like to thank you for all of the support you give to our website and not only that to our social media channels. If you ever see us at any of the park’s make sure you say hello to us, we are always happy to chat to you all!

Don’t forget, to make sure you follow our social media channels if you haven’t done so already, as we do post plenty of content while at Theme Parks:


Ross & Gareth

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