As part of the Planning Permission submission to Runnymede Council, we have been able to spot that Thorpe Park are also thinking about the future!

You can find on indication plans, that Island A appears, which has for a number of years been talk with fans for future attraction/s.

Thorpe Park have even mentioned that:

Island A (the second rollercoaster location approved in the MTDP) also within the core of
the park was considered acceptable in principle for a rollercoaster up to 40m in height and
so is an agreed location for a smaller ride that could come forward in due course.

No information of how soon this would be, but it sure seems very exciting for the future and maybe another new rollercoaster will make Thorpe Park even better!

As you will also see, Hotel Site also appears in the plan. This isn’t much of a surprise as planning permission has been granted already, however, Thorpe Park has admitted that this isn’t in their long-term aspirations to build the hotel scheme on this site.

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